Windham High School Chapter of The
National Honor Society

WHS NHS Selection Process
Students are first invited into the NHS selection process in their junior year if they have met the first pillar of NHS, scholarship, a 3.7 GPA or above by the end of their sophomore year.
Students attend a meeting where the selection process and the procedures for completing the selection form are explained. The selection forms have an absolute deadline that must be met (the date varies from year to year - the date is stated on the selection letter students receive at the initial meeting). The selection form will inform the Faculty Council about service, leadership, and character (the remaining three pillars of NHS).
An extra help session is offered before the selection forms are due. This session is meant to assist students with any questions they may have about the selection form or the overall process.
Once selection forms are handed in on time, student names are added to a comment sheet that is sent out to the entire faculty. Faculty members will have the opportunity to comment on students' character and leadership in the classroom.
The selection forms are reviewed by a five member Faculty Council (a group of five teachers). The Faculty Council reviews selection forms and makes decisions about selection and non-‐selection based on character, leadership, and service. A simple majority of the Faculty Council is used to select students. NHS advisors do not have a vote in the selection meeting; they are present to facilitate the process, but are non-‐voting members at the meeting.
Members who are selected will be notified by NHS advisors once decisions of the Faculty Council are finalized and the principal has been notified of selected and non-‐selected students.
If a student is not selected, they will receive a letter informing them of the opportunity to appeal. In this letter, there will be feedback from the Faculty Council and a form that explains the required steps for the appeals process. Appeals are reviewed by the same five-‐member Faculty Council. Students who choose to appeal will be informed of the Faculty Council decisions once they are made and the principal has reviewed the decisions.
Selected members are invited to attend an induction ceremony.
National Honor Society Constitution